Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Back with the Rocket Man

Jerry and I with the great view from Erika's house.
Photo by Erika, my lousy phone camera.
As many of you know, I met up with Jerry Irvine a year ago in February on my return to Alaska from Antarctica.  We brainstormed on some ideas and generally had a good time talking rockets and other hair brained ideas.  So much the same the last two days but a bit more focused on what we can actually pick up and do either with moving the OpenLuna program forward or some other collaboration.

I still had a bit to do preparing for the Space Expo and there was time for that, seeing Jerry's new shop in Running Springs, socializing in the area (including Jerry's girlfriend), catching up on things but mostly looking for the angle to get started.

We found the germ of an scheme or two that could result in any of the following outcomes: Some significant contributions to OpenLuna, the reality TV production, and/or rocket motor firing demonstration and live event.  I will be following up on it after the Space Expo and will probably not go to the ISDC (International Space Development Conference) right after the Expo and instead come back up here to make progress before returning to Idaho.  But we'll see how the Expo goes, if it goes well enough, then I won't have to choose.

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